Thank you for playing in the AZPL!
Box Scores

Home Team: The Remnants   Visiting Team: Scratch This
    (B) (1,3B)       (B)   (4B)  
  1 2 3 Total     1 2 3 Total
Nate Korey 10 5 3 18   Staci Rodarmel 2 7 10 19
Jaye Begay 5 10 7 22   Reynalda Cody 10 10 6 26
Mark Higgins 10 10 10 30   Joe Sanchez 7 5 10 22
Point Totals: 25 25 20 70   Point Totals: 19 22 26 67
Games Won: 5   Games Won: 4
Handicap 0 Match Total: 70   Handicap 21 Match Total: 88
  Loss     Win