Thank you for playing in the AZPL!
Box Scores

Home Team: Donkey Kick 'Em in the Handicap   Visiting Team: I R Sloth
    (B) (1,3B)       (B)   (4B)  
  1 2 3 Total     1 2 3 Total
Christopher Navas 6 10 3 19   Sean Goodfellow 10 10 5 25
Bigcoat Antonio 10 5 10 25   Eric Danielson Jr 4 6 0 10
Steve Key 0 5 0 5   Clifton Dominquez 10 10 10 30
Point Totals: 16 20 13 49   Point Totals: 24 26 15 65
Games Won: 3   Games Won: 5
Handicap 0 Match Total: 49   Handicap 9 Match Total: 74
  Loss     Win