To get the points add the players values together for each team.  Subtract the lower team from the higher.  Those are the points. Example (22+23+17)=62 (17+19+21)=57  62-57=5 points

When playing short-handed (less than 3 players) the vacant spot (the forfeit) counts as 15 points toward the value total. 

Week 14 of 17

Home Team: 1604   Visiting Team: 1602
    (B) (1,3B)       (B)   (4B)  
  1 2 3 Total     1 2 3 Total
Player 1 4 5 6     Player 4 1 3 2  
Player 2 5 6 4     Player 5 2 1 3  
Player 3 6 4 5     Player 6 3 2 1  
Point Totals:           Point Totals:        
Handicap:   + Total =     Handicap:   + Total =  
Games Won:     Games Won:  
Captain's Signature: Win / Loss   Captain's Signature Win / Loss

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Notes: Dues in Envelope:
1 plays 4 1 plays 5 1 plays 6   Weekly Dues: $__________
2 plays 5 2 plays 6 2 plays 4   Annual Dues: $__________
3 plays 6 3 plays 4 3 plays 5   Totals: $__________
Round 3 players 1, 3 & 4 Break If found, please call 480-217-2358. Thanks. Captain is in bold.