To get the points add the players values together for each team.  Subtract the lower team from the higher.  Those are the points. Example (22+23+17)=62 (17+19+21)=57  62-57=5 points

When playing short-handed (less than 3 players) the vacant spot (the forfeit) counts as 15 points toward the value total. 

Week 15 of 17

Home Team: 0308 2 B Determined   Visiting Team: 0304 Gwen SteffIan
    (B) (1,3B)       (B)   (4B)  
  1 2 3 Total     1 2 3 Total
Player 1 4 5 6     Player 4 1 3 2  
Player 2 5 6 4     Player 5 2 1 3  
Player 3 6 4 5     Player 6 3 2 1  
Point Totals:           Point Totals:        
Handicap:   + Total =     Handicap:   + Total =  
Games Won:     Games Won:  
Captain's Signature: Win / Loss   Captain's Signature Win / Loss

The team that scores the most points wins the match.
All matches are to be played at the location listed on the schedule, changes must be made in advance and approved by the league operator.
Home:0308 2 B Determined Next Week , you have a bye! Team Dues: 0
Player Name Value Notes / Paid PR Pts PA Sc % P/PA W L W % 30s 8 BB B/R 10-0 Strk MA AT MA MIP M Owed
Adam Garcia 23   0.106 21 22 0.700 -1 1 2 0.333 0 0 0 0 2 21.00 22.77 -1.77 1 $46
Randy Torres 22   0.100 18 20 0.600 -2 1 2 0.333 0 0 1 0 4 18.00 24.26 -6.26 1 $46
Ben Gonzales 20   0.095 23 27 0.767 -4 1 2 0.333 0 0 0 0 0 23.00 21.63 1.37 1 $11
Away:0304 Gwen SteffIan Next Week , you have a bye! Team Dues: 0
Player Name V Notes / Paid PR Pts PA Sc % P/PA W L W % 30s 8 BB B/R 10-0 Strk MA AT MA MIP M Owed
Ian McEwan 23   0.304 26 19 0.867 7 2 1 0.667 0 0 0 0 0 26.00 23.19 2.81 1 $0
Gwen Kaiser 20   0.144 26 20 0.867 6 1 2 0.333 0 1 0 0 0 26.00 20.06 5.94 1 $0
David Spires 22   0.000 9 30 0.300 -21 0 3 0.000 0 0 0 0 0 9.00 9.00 0 1 $15

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Notes: Dues in Envelope:
1 plays 4 1 plays 5 1 plays 6   Weekly Dues: $__________
2 plays 5 2 plays 6 2 plays 4   Annual Dues: $__________
3 plays 6 3 plays 4 3 plays 5   Totals: $__________
Round 3 players 1, 3 & 4 Break If found, please call 480-217-2358. Thanks. Captain is in bold.